Welcome to the mind of Walter Greatshell - me. Just about everything you find here has been drawn, painted, written, or otherwise created by me. The only exceptions are the Berkley/Ace covers, and the layout of the site itself, for which I thank Brian Greene of BGfolio. The rest is mine, all mine.

Enter. Explore! Surf the inner wallpaper of my tortured psyche. And if you should happen to be a publisher, film producer, or anyone else with a professional interest in me or my work, welcome! I'd love to hear from you.

But who, you may ask, is Walter Greatshell?

To answer that question, we must go back a long way…all the way to 1962. To the time of the Beatles and Ed Sullivan and John F. Kennedy. Back to the sleepy little hamlet of Torrance, California, where in the hushed maternity ward of Harbor General Hospital, a new life is about to be born…

Etcetera etcetera - fast forward to the present. Nowadays I live with my wife and son in Providence, Rhode Island. When not writing satirical horror novels a la Xombies, I dabble in freelance illustration (with an eye to creating dark children’s books, comics or graphic novels), humorous nonfiction (a throwback to my early days as a freelance journalist and arts critic), and stage acting (most recently in local productions of Oedipus Rex and Karel Capek’s R.U.R.). Which is to say I’m unemployed. The last real job I had was as a graveyard-shift nuclear-submarine technician, and before that I was the general manager of a Providence landmark: the Avon Cinema. What I do next is anyone’s guess.

Seriously, got any suggestions?